Bend series
Tee series
Flange series
Reducer series
Simmer the bent pipe ser
Wear-resistant pipe fi
Plant accessories series
Ripple compensator seri
Pipe expander
Cleaner series
Piping support series
Head cap
Pipe series
Insulation series
Series of anti-corrosion
Concrete pump accessories seri
Plastic Lined Pipe Series
Surfacing machine / wire drawi

Large-bore head
Large diameter head high frequency welding is charge according to the principle of electromagnetic induction and communication in the conductor skin effect, proximity effect and eddy current heating effect, make the edge of the weld steel locally heated to a molten state, the squeezing roller, to realize the joint between the crystal butt weld, so as to achieve the purpose of the welding seam welding.
Large diameter is a kind of induction welding head (or pressure resistance welding), it doesn't need weld filling material, carbon steel elliptical head, no welding spatter, narrow welding heat affected zone, weld moulding beauty, weld the advantages of good mechanical performance, thus is widely used in steel production.
Large diameter head in petrochemical equipment pressure vessel manufacture all the stamping forming process of ellipse head, head of open after blanking and stamping how much shape scale to quality control, to ensure the stamping head how much scale fit drawing skill, must be the head of all production process control, the link of quality control is very important.
The convex head of the pressure vessel of the large diameter sealing oil chemical equipment is divided into the non-standard oval sealing head and the plate seal number of the elliptical seal head and arbitrary length axis. According to the formula of the planning manual, the calculation of the opening diameter of the blanks with the blanks of the oval seal head and the plate seal head is calculated. As for the non-standard oval head, it is necessary to use the mathematics to derive the accounting formula according to the opening principle, so as to make the material reasonable, and then guarantee the quality of the stamping head.